As we near your first birthday I cannot help but reminisce about your birth in New York and how this city will forever be tied to you. This city already holds so much meaning to your father and I, I wonder if one day it will hold the same meaning to you. I wonder if you will love it as much as I do. I wonder if you will walk the same streets. I wonder if you will shop at the same stores, eat at the same restaurants, and gaze at the same buildings. I wonder where you would live, where you would work, what subways you would take. I wonder mostly about what your life could be like here and as much as it pains me to think of you living so far away from your father and I when you are older, I know that you eventually will have to leave the nest like I did and I don’t want to cheat you of all these amazing experiences New York has to offer.
I hope one day you experience New York and share the same love affair with it that I did. I hope you find beauty in the madness, I hope you find comfort in the people, I hope you find solace in the architecture, I hope you marvel at the first snow, I hope enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring, but more than anything I hope you experience!
We promise to bring you here as often as we can, New York will always have a piece of our heart and we hope one day it will share a piece of yours.