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Emerson Christine: Ten Month Update

We are a little late to post, but on Oct. 2 Emerson hit 10-months! This truly is such a fun age. Her personality is shining through, she is full of curiosity, interacting with the world around her and hitting new milestones every day. Nate and I are in awe of her and feel so blessed to have her in our lives.

Emerson continues to be very much on the go. She officially started walking at the end of 9-months and since hitting 10-months very much prefers to be mobile and move on her own. We call her a drunken sailor, as she still is a bit wobbly but she is quickly finding her balance and able to catch herself before taking any tumbles. Her two bottom teeth also broke through and there is nothing I love more than that toothy smile!

We’ve been in our new home for almost 2-months now and Emerson has officially settled in. She loves her nanny, is enjoying playdates in the park, story time at the library and music class. She is one social girl! Emerson also took her first vacation to Maui in September. She was a big fan of the beach. She enjoyed playing in the sand, the ocean and pool, and eating dinner out! She got the royal treatment and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Here are Emerson's ten month stats:


Emerson didn’t have a 10-month checkup but she is well over 20 pounds now and over 20 inches long.


Emerson had her first fever which lasted over a couple of days. We weren’t sure what caused it, she was fighting a virus of some sort. But it broke after day two and she is back to healthy self.


Emerson still gets a bottle first thing in the morning and before bed. She enjoys three meals a day along with two snacks. Her favorite finger foods are still shredded cheese, raspberries, broccoli, chicken and pasta. While on vacation in Hawaii she also became a fan of fish, she loves almost every type of white fish and it is her new dinner time fav.


We were nervous about traveling to Hawaii and adjusting with the tie zone but Emerson adjusted right after day one. She is back on her schedule and sleeping about eleven to eleven and half hours a night. She continues to take two naps a day, one at 9 am and the second nap closer to 2 pm. Her nap length varies but average is about an hour.


Missing a nap or being awake too long, cleaning her nose, not being able to stand or move on her own, and being alone in the back seat of the car.


Taylor continues to be her best pall. She loves to play fetch with her (although I am sure Taylor wishes she could throw the ball further), she loves the swing at the park, being outside playing, and bath time. She also enjoys peek-a-boo, and finding toys that you hide under other objects.


Everything has moved into the 12-18-month size range and still size 4 diapers.


Emerson still cries occasionally when she wants to be held by Mom, if it is taking too long to feed her, or if she really wants a change of scenery. But for the most part she doesn’t cry too often.


Emerson has added Da Da, Tay Tay, Baba, and Nana to her vocabulary in addition to Mama which she mastered a few months ago. She waves hello and goodbye, knows her name, who Mom, Dad and Taylor are and she has learned the word No and now shakes her head. Her Nanny has taught her a bit of Spanish and she is starting to pick up a few phrases. When spoken to in Spanish she understands goodbye, to give you her hand, and some animals.


With the move my workouts and routine are still few and far between. I did join a small local gym and a mother’s group so hoping that I can establish a rhythm there.

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