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Bodhi Paul: Two-Month Update

Our little guy turned two-months this week. I have to pinch myself everyday as I feel so lucky to call this sweet, soulful boy mine. Everyone is adjusting to being a new family of four. It is bit chaotic at times, okay it is more chaotic than not, but we are starting to hit our stride. We took our first road trip as a family and headed up to Sea Ranch for a long weekend. I also got brave enough to venture out on my first solo excursion to the park with Bodhi and Emerson.

Bo has changed so much since my last update. I forgot how many milestones they hit in these first few months of life. Everyday he is discovering something new and it is such a joy to watch.

Here are Bodhi's one-month stats:


At his two-month checkup Bodhi clocked in at 24 inches and 10.13 pounds. He is long and lean. He did not gain as much weight as we would have liked but the doctor didn't seem concerned and thinks he will catch back up.


Unfortunately Bodhi caught to the cold that his big sister and Dad had last month. We were able to keep most of the bad symptoms of RSV at bay and just had to let it run its course. He is doing much better, but with this pesky cold season still looming I am fearful he will catch something again soon.


Bodhi is still an efficient eater. He breastfeeds fairly routinely and for only 8-12 minutes. While I am worried about his slow weight gain, no one else seems concerned and the doctor tells us to keep doing what we are doing. Nate and I have noticed that when we try to force feed him or over feed him he just ends up throwing it up. So I a learning to trust both our bodies and listen to his queues on how much he needs, or doesn't need.


Bodhi is still giving us 4-5 hours stretches at night, and is really only waking up once int he middle of the night to eat. Depending on when he goes to bed and how much he eats at that last feeding I sometimes offer him a dream feed at 10pm so we can make it till about 4am for the next feeding. He is on somewhat of a schedule; waking, eating and then ready for his next nap 45-60 minutes after he woke up.


Being overtired, cleaning his nose, being left alone for too long.


Bodhi likes to look at faces, hearing voices and being sung and read to. He has become more and more alert and likes exploring the world around him.


Bodhi is in 0-3 months clothing, and because he is so long I can fit him in some 3-6 months shirts and pants.


Bodhi really mastered his smile and talking this last month. He is cooing and gabbing much more and enjoys conversations with his many visitors.


Physically, I definitely healed much quicker this time around. However, that added baby weight is much more difficult to get off this time around. I've downloaded a fitness app, and I swear one of these days I will actually start it. Right now, my free time is given to naps or laying on the couch versus working out.

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